Unlimited archiving of Eikon Messenger chats, with search by user, period, and keyword.

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WTM for Eikon Messenger

Winco Talk Manager for Eikon Messenger is a 100% cloud-based solution for financial institutions that use Eikon Messenger and demand:

  • Archiving chats for later retrieval to meet standards and auditing needs;
  • A flexible solution, with no minimum contracting period and with the possibility of full recovery of history.

Once the system configured, all chats are imported daily from Thomson Reuters (via External Feeds), being stored and made available for searching and reading the WTM Control Panel.

This service has immediate activation, as it does not need local servers and software. As the service is fully provided in the cloud, no extra traffic (other than access to the Control Panel) is added to the company network.

P.S. The contracting company must have an Eikon Messenger account, provided directly, and for free, by Thomson Reuters, as well as “TRMC External Feeds” credentials.

Eikon mobile


* The archiving period is 05 years, or until termination of the contract, whichever occurs first. In the case of completion of the contract, all recorded material will remain available for viewing and downloading for 30 days at no additional cost.

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